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The Chasm

I remember how easy it used to be 
Closing my eyes shut 
And, at once, seeing their names 
On the back of my eyes
Painted in bright hues of red 
Always so close to feel 
To dream 
To touch 
With 'I love you's 
Gushing out of my lips 
Faster than I could remember to breathe.
All I did was love, love and love again
With never present people 
Setting myself to rot 
In the chasm they'd build
Out of lies and disguise
Naïvety or Delusion? 
I could never figure.
Until one day, 
I realized I was the liar
Falling in love with feelings
Never people.
Setting myself up for loss every time 
Because despair was a feeling too 

And I'd rather feel sad than empty; 

Misery than nothingness.


  1. I love that this makes me feel things❤
    Not misery but something different, something nice.


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