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Showing posts from February, 2019

Winter Solstice

Photo credit: As we get drunk on that year regret and joy swirl together, in a concoction bitter and sweet, raging poison that I devour quickly. Sitting across from me you look at me with those eyes an ember simmering quietly, and once again I’m taken back to your year worth of ‘love you’s and my goodbyes that I never really got to say. I should be mad at you but i look at you now and i just can’t resist you. But this time, i don’t overlook the truth i can’t mistake the unabashed joy in your smile when you say her name, anymore. Every syllable you utter makes my heart skip a beat in all the wrong ways so I try to drown the suffocation with liquid delusion but I fail and you see through me you always saw right through me. I feel an overwhelming sense of shame right then how does someone see right through you but still fail to love you how?