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The sweet scent of summer had barely trickled into town. The trees were thawing, making way for color to seep back into the world. The sun dug into my eyes as I tried to take in the blueness of the sky. As my eyes started to tear up, I looked away and they fell on you. I didn't know you at all but as you made your way past me, I knew that that was what love looked like. You were beautiful. A tall, glorious vision I never wanted to forget. I wanted to encase you in a poem, to refrain you from ever leaving my mind, but you walked away before I could think of metaphors and similes. You didn't even look back. You just left. Too soon.

The clouds greyed and the sky turned black. My heart was freezing and I desperately wished for the warmth of some one's arms around me. Much later, you told me how you liked people who could make their own fire. It was one of the things that I liked about you because it meant you didn't care how I wasn't looking for anyone to complete me, just complement me. Darling, you would have hated me back then. Every waking moment was a struggle because with every thunder, loneliness gushed into my being. As raindrops fell to earth that day so did my resolve, mixing into nothingness. Rain and I were one and all. That was the first time since I saw you that I longed for you. Thus, formed a blister, start of a crack. Because it was then that my heart first started to ache for you. 

It's funny, really, how soon the rainfall ceases when just moments before you had believed that it wouldn't ever stop. But once again the sun did its magic, compensating heavily for all the moments it had missed. As I woke up in my bed that day, I didn't know that dials of fate were pushing us toward each other, second by second. How fondly I remember seeing you that day, love. I had mostly forgotten what you had looked like but when I saw you, I recognized you in a heartbeat. I closed my eyes and prayed to the heavens because it was in those moments that I tasted the magic of the universe. It was almost impossible, us running into each other like that. Almost. And that made the beauty of the moment imperceptible. Each time you sucked in a breath beside me, I was left gasping. And each time you brushed your arms against mine, you left shivers down my spine. But the most important part was, even though you had seen me before, it was that day that you looked at me for the first time. And it was enough to shine light into all the darkness that had collected in me.

I do not remember who made into whose arms first. I only know that I wanted to escape the cold and you desperately wanted to shelter me from it. As we bundled together that night, I think I asked you a million questions. Your favorite color. Food. Season. City..... I couldn't stop. Green. Burgers. Winter. London. you replied kissing my hair. I found peace, that night. Longing turned into love. Wishfulness turned into bliss. I loved you so much, my heart felt like it would burst. In the same moment you said you couldn't believe that feeling such happiness was possible. Suddenly, I couldn't stand it anymore. I brushed my lips against yours. First, you were careful and soft. Then you were ferocious and brass, mirroring my urgency. Strong and delicate. Bold yet cautious. You were an enigma. As we finally gave into the fervor, we were one. Happiness came in waves and we both drowned in it. As stars dissolved into clear blue sky, in my heart, all the cracks were sealed, blisters healed. And all that remained was love.

Universe was discreet. 


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