I ,personally, feel that forever is very overrated. Overrated in the sense that , people vastly use it without thinking of the clauses that comes with it The real meaning of 'forever' seems to have lost its essence along the way. 'Friends forever', 'I'll be with you forever' ...e.t.c are the most common ones that falls upon my ears. But in fact, there is no such thing as forever. All the promises and the effect of the words fade away with time. Change is inevitable. It can neither be postponed, nor can it be sent back once it has arrived. It just comes as a strong wind, which gusts away all the promises and hopes of forever. If nothing lasts forever, why is 'forever' even used by the people who can't subside by its meaning? Why take all the trouble of even mentioning it, if you can't act upon your own words? Why promise of it, if you have no idea if you are going to live the next moment or die away ? Why bother ? ~